From Exodus 33:18-23
It was Moses who demanded
“Now show me your glory.”
And God agreed
with conditions.
So I thought… for me
pressed into the cleft
God’s hand covering me
hiding my face
from His expression
unable to see unable to comprehend
too delicate to survive knowing
would it have burned me
blinded me taken my breath away
would I have melted turned to ice or
would I have combusted disintegrated.
Would I have been frightened
or supremely elated - terrified or euphoric
lost to earth, transported
instead, because I am simple,
and easily distracted
I’d focus on what was before me
I’d see the rocky layers of His mountain
flint granite limestone quartz
perhaps sapphires
gold silver diamonds
a mighty construction
declaring the legend
of earth’s formation
was this what He meant
for me and Moses to see.
As relevant to us now
as what we will know in heaven.
Pressed into the cold cleft
children of God
covered with His hand
sheltered in His creation
made warm with His story.
Still it is hard to resist glancing
when he removes his hand
and we see his back as he passes
we are eager to be among those
on whom he will have mercy.
©2/2012 Judith A. Sears